Screenshots received the most votes and this was unsurprising as on most film reviews, the screenshots will capture the most attention from the audience as they're the most visually appealing and memorable parts of the page. A final verdict and images of the cast came in close second and third, so I will make sure to involve these when creating my film review double page spread. The suggestions in 'others' were all valid, but were actually answers to a slightly different question in the survey later on.

Next I asked my audience what sort of image they would expect to be the primary focus of a double page spread. With this question I genuinely wanted their opinion, mainly to choose between whether or not it'd appeal them more if it was an image of the main character(s) or a screenshot. When doing my research I found that both were used, so decided to use my audience as a method of deciding which was best. They chose a screenshot, leading to my final decision in using my personal favourite shot from our film.

With this question, upon doing my research I came to the conclusion that all of the above answers are relevant and important to include in an article. Acting, cinematography and narrative came out with the most votes, meaning I may put more emphasis on them in my review. In the 'other' response someone answered saying 'All of the above', which I'd decided on after my research anyway.

Lastly I asked them what colours they believed appropriate for a film review double page spread on a crime drama. However, with this I actually think I'll go with a blue colour palette due to the fact I want to create a brand, and the colour blue has consistently been used. A blue filter was used for the most relevant scene in my film, the morgue scene and also my poster, meaning it makes sense to create a sense of continuity by using it on my double page spread too.
Evidence of proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience.