Saturday 3 February 2018


The purpose of a film double page spread in a magazine is commonly to review a film and to give the writer's personal opinion about it. Film magazines can also give an insight into the behind the scenes of a film.

Plain font is used due to the fact fancy font is more typically for a female target audience, and with long pieces of text plain font will be used to ensure that it is as easy as possible for the audience to read. This is essential as no magazine would want to risk putting off their audience by making something difficult to read. Bold font is used to put emphasis on the title so that it stands out on the page, making it easy for anyone curious about the film to find the article. Other important parts of the text in the article, such as quotes, are highlighted by different coloured text boxes or the text is a different colour, making them stand out visibly on the page. Interestingly the quote is from a crew member, rather than from the writer pinpointing an aspect of the film to make a strong opinion about. This, along with the behind the scenes photo shows that this magazine is primarily for an audience really passionate about film, and potentially part of the film industry or just extremely willing to learn more.

The black font against the plain white background makes it very easy for the audience to read, important when attracting an audience as something that's difficult to read will not be appealing to them.

This particular double page spread includes lot of images, making it very visually appealing and interesting to look at. It includes screenshots from the film so as to almost give the readers a taster of what the final product will look like- a sort of sneak preview. This also gives the audience something to visualise when reading the article. However, once again this double page spread supports Malik's theory that other ethnicities besides white aren't represented. The male characters break Gauntlett's 2002 theory that males have to be displayed as alpha males- here they're all hobbits and unexpected looking heroes. This idea is an appealing factor of the film as everyone loves to see an underdog rise to the top.

This double page spread chose to use behind the scenes images. Their target audience will primarily be people who are very interested in films and many will also be interested in the creation of them- how they got from a script to the big screen. This insight may also be exclusive to the magazine, setting it apart from others.

Again the article covers all aspects of the film, but mainly focuses on the story of behind the scenes. This makes the behind the scenes images relevant and is the perfect content for people with a deep interest in the film industry and how it all works.

1 comment:

  1. Evidence of proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience.
