Friday, 1 December 2017

Locations List

  • T8, Bodmin College (Scene 1/4)
Easy for cast and crew to get to, nice and roomy with lots of light. Quite plain and with some props from the nurse's station it has the potential to be made to look morgue-like.
  • Drama studio, Bodmin College (Scene 2)
LOTS of space plus the benefit of having full control of the lighting. All outside light can be closed off too and with the help of a technician we can control the lights typically used for drama performances (which involve red and blue, good for fake police sirens). Also easy for cast and crew to get to, and there's no worry of people disturbing whilst filming.
  • St Austell multi-storey car park (Scene 3)
Public place about a half hour drive away. Concerns that filming may be disturbed but upon visiting the location we decided it was absolutely perfect for our film- great natural lighting, mise-en-scene etc.
St Austell multi-storey

Thursday, 30 November 2017


Where from
Autopsy Vest
Doctor Scrubs
Fake Human Heart

Butchers in Town or Asda
Police Tape 9m
Blue Latex Gloves

White Bed Sheet
Body Bag
Miss Prior

Playing cards
Sam Scott
Science department
Science department
Morgue bed
Sick bay
Tags for feet
Card factory
Sam Ellis- DofE
Special FX makeup
Ms Stott

Sam and I both want our film to appear as realistic as possible, so wish to spare no expenses in terms of props. This is most important in regards to our morgue scene, which will require us completely redecorating a classroom, and therefore will need lots of props and planning beforehand, making it essential to be prepared before a shoot. We looked up what crime scenes and morgues will actually include so as to ensure we don't leave anything out.

Forensic Autopsy Research

A forensic autopsy occurs in two different scenes of our film, and considering it's our first AND last scene we wanted to ensure it was as accurate as possible, so we decided to do some primary research on what actually happens during one. 

What an internal forensic autopsy looks like:

Torso placed on rubber block. Makes a Y shaped incision- on women the two arms of the Y curve under the breasts. In both sexes, the arms of the Y need to extend all the way up to each shoulder joint.

The use saw or rib cutter- cut along boundary between ribs and cartilage connected to the breastbone OR might cut sides of chest cavity, leaving ribs attached to breastbone and removing the entire frontal ribcage as one chest plate.

Begins with pathologist freeing intestines by cutting along attachment tissue with scissors or scalpel. Once each organ is examined it is removed, weighed and examined in further detail. Lungs with be inflated.

Tissue samples are taken, bodily fluids are also tested. Dissected parts will be preserved, particularly if considered unusual.

The body parts taken out and weighed include the intestines, liver, gallbladder and bile duct system, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, abdominal aorta, and reproductive organs. 

We felt it very important to do some research on the process of an autopsy, as although the film industry is almost notorious for not promoting factual material, I want to keep our film as realistic as possible. One of the vital conventions of a drama film is the realism of the plot, as this ensures audiences are full involved with the film and can fully appreciate the plot and experience the emotions.